The Stupidest Angel

Sunday, January 1, 2006

I managed to get my hands on Christopher Moore's "Stupidest Angel, ver 2.0". Moore's books are extremely funny, and always a little bit irreverent (witness Lamb, the gospel according to Biff, Christ's childhood friend). This little red book brings together a lot of characters from his previous books (Practical Demon Keeping, The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove, etc.). Lonely losers all, they are gathered in the picturesque California village of Pine Cove for a Lonesome Christmas Party....Then Santa gets killed, a (very) stupid Angel tries to grant a child's Christmas wish, corpses rise from the grave looking for human brains to eat, there's a warrior babe on the loose with a samurai sword...And as usual, it all goes horribly, and hilariously wrong. This short read isn't up to par with his previous books, however, it does provide for some light hearted and irreverent entertainment, more so if you're fed up with Christmas jingles and fake santas.

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