Anansi Boys

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hannelie somehow got hold of the book "Anansi Boys", by Neil Gaiman, a few days before it was due to be released (sneaky her!), and gave it to me as a birthday present. I'm reading it now, and as usual, it's an amazing ride. Wish I could write like that! Neil is an award winning author of may talents - after becoming famous for his work on the Sandman graphic novels, he wrote the script for a BBC miniseries called 'Neverwhere', later released as his first novel. A few years ago he wrote the bestselling 'American Gods', telling a strory of how the gods of myth and folklore came to America with their believers, and what they are doing now.

If you're interested in reading a book that expertly interweaves everyday life with modern day mythology, gods, and monsters, have a peek here

No, it's nothing like Stephen King, or other's way more literary, but in a good way (now I'll probably get stoned to death, by both King-fans and Engish litt majors...).

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